Lese24 is written by Karin Hahn and the website is owned and managed by The Berlin Picture Company GbR (John Clark & Karin Hahn), Schlossstrasse 45, 14059 Berlin, Germany. All rights are reserved.
All the reviews are Karin Hahn’s personal copyright and she asserts the right under international conventions to be identified as the author of those works, whether they are referred to in whole or in part.
The Berlin Picture Company is registered for tax purposes with the Steueramt Charlottenburg and is administered under German Law. The appropriate court for disputes to be heard is the Amtsgericht Charlottenburg in Berlin, Germany.
Data Declaration.
We are not interested in collecting data about any-one, or any thing visiting our sites, however we can do nothing to avoid information about users being plundered via the networks, government agencies and commercial organisations of all kinds which constitute an intrusive many tentacled kraaken in our everyday digital lives, particular if mobile devices have been used to access our sites and the users have signed away their rights to privacy via contracts with phone companies. In particular, we use links to Amazon for book titles and they have their own approach to privacy which is beyond our control. Our hosting internet provider at have provided us a fine service over many years, however as cloud computing becomes ever more pervasive, we have no real idea of the implications for privacy this implies.
Who-ever it was who dreamed up the notion that baby swans are ugly ducklings was wrong.